In album: Harvard in Scandinavia: June 23-26, 2008 (Aarhus, Jelling & Fyrkat)

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Please note that all descriptions which present factual information are based on a lecture given at the sites shown by Else Roesdahl on June 25, 2008.

HSS 6.25.08 - Jelling, Fyrkat & Limfjord - 003

HSS 6.25.08 - Jelling, Fyrkat & Limfjord - 003 Harvard in Scandinavia: June 23-26, 2008 (Aarhus, Jelling & Fyrkat)
A close-up of the runestones at Jelling, viewed from the South mound. On the left is the older stone, erected by King Gorm to honor his wife Thyra. On the right is the better known three-sided Jelling Stone, erected by Harold Bluetooth, which has stood in its current location since approximately 970 CE.


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