In album: Harvard in Scandinavia: June 23-26, 2008 (Aarhus, Jelling & Fyrkat)

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Please note that all descriptions which present factual information are based on a lecture given at the sites shown by Else Roesdahl on June 25, 2008.

HSS 6.25

HSS 6.25 Harvard in Scandinavia: June 23-26, 2008 (Aarhus, Jelling & Fyrkat)
A view of the interior of the fortress at Fyrcat, from what was once the rampart. The unmowed grass in the lower right corner is a quadrant of the fortress that has been unexcavated, while the white dots appearing in the mowed portion are painted stones, denoting points at which post-holes were found during excavation. The reconstructed longhouse is visible beyond the wall on the other side of the fortress. Archaeological evidence indicates that sixteen such longhouses originally stood at Fyrcat, with each quadrant of the fortress containing four in a square pattern.


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