"The Grauballe Man is the world's best-preserved bog corpse. One spring day in 1952 a peat cutter found him in the bog where he had been lying for more than 2000 years. The body was lying in a hollow that had been created by earlier peat-digging. The Grauballe Man had lived in the early Iron Age, around 300 years before the birth of Christ."
Note that the contorted and crushed nature of the corpse is largely due to the pressure of the bog on the corpse for the last 2300 years.
Upon removal from the bog, the corpse was too fragile to handle extensively, leading to the corpse's gaping neck wound escaping discovery for several weeks following its discovery. The discovery of the wound, which is visible in this image, combined with the apparently perimortem compound tibia fracture, quickly convinced investigators that the Grauballe Man was killed, and very likely was a human sacrifice.
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